About us
Who we are
Our Vision
Connected communities, where residents know their neighbours through attending local events or working together on different projects. Creating a more resilient population who feel less lonely, more motivated, visit their GP less and have less of a need for social services.
Our Mission
We aim to transform the health and social care system by building community bridges and giving people the confidence to use their community for support.
By celebrating the diversity in our community, we can help everyone access support that resonates with them.
‘I had no idea about wat was going on in my community and social activities are here’
Within this statement there are two challenges:
1. The core, sociocultural challenge that people now live in areas where they do
not know their community and feel lonely with no sense of belonging.
2. The secondary challenge that people are unable to locate a certain service in
their community which they need to improve their health/wellbeing.
The first challenge is leading to a lack of social networks and support, and chronic
loneliness producing long-term damage to physiological health via raised stress hormones,
poorer immune function and cardiovascular health. Loneliness also makes it harder to self-regulate behaviour and build willpower and resilience over time, leading to engagement in
unhealthy behaviours