Centre for Armenian Information & Advice

Organisation type Registered Charity
Website address Facebook link

About us

Who we are

CAIA is a registered charity in England and Wales, founded in 1986 by Armenian refugees and immigrants in the UK. CAIA pioneered efforts that enhanced the quality of life for disadvantaged members of the Armenian community in the UK.

Today, we seek to maintain the same universal Armenian traditions of generosity and hospitality, education and training, family values, and respect for older people in our community. To that end, we provide a range of services to meet the diverse needs and interests of all members of our community in London and further afield.

Our culture and values


We strive to be a centre of excellence for the Armenian community and we will work tirelessly for it by focusing on our mission, motivating our employees, serving our constituencies and maintaining morale. We will ensure that our behaviours embody the spirit of the organisation.


We are accountable to our members and beneficiaries. We will work collaboratively and transparently with other organisations and individuals to achieve mutually beneficial partnerships. We will use our resources efficiently and effectively because we recognise ourselves as custodians for the future of the organisation.  


We will provide opportunities for our members and service users to contribute to planning and delivering services. We will add value for our donors by seeking out creative and responsible partnerships.   


For the last 30 years, we have built our community up, sustained our culture and enriched Armenian lives in London. We recognize that to continue to make this kind of impact, we must be forward thinking and open to change. We will learn from the things we do well and the things that could be done better and encourage new ideas, while recognising the hard work it has taken to create this resource for our community.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy


The CAIA has adopted this Policy because it recognises that certain individuals and groups are discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, social class, gender reassignment, marriage and/or civil partnership, pregnancy and/or maternity, race, religion and beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origin, mental health, political affiliations, caring responsibilities, and HIV status, or any other factor irrelevant to the purpose in view.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that no employee, job applicant, service user, member or volunteer receives less favourable treatment or has less access to services on the above-mentioned grounds.

All new members of staff, Board and volunteers will be introduced to this policy as part of their induction and training.

In practice this will mean:

●      As an Equal Opportunities employer, the CAIA is committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination on any of the above grounds, both through its own work and through employment policy and practice (see also CAIA Recruitment Policy) and that where necessary employees are provided with additional training and support to carry out their duties.

●      In the provision of all its services, no individual or groups of persons applying for assistance will be treated less favourably on the above-mentioned grounds.

●      Activities and events will be open and welcoming to everybody entitled to participate.

●      In the composition and operation of its Board, the CAIA will be mindful of its Equality and Diversity Policy and ensure that all its members have an equal opportunity to be adequately heard and represented at all levels within the organisation.

The Policy and its practice will be continuously monitored to ensure its effectiveness. CAIA will behave in an unbiased manner towards all service users, irrespective of their political affiliation, cultural or social background, age, gender, or sexual orientation, and observe CAIA Equality and Diversity Policy at all times (See CAIA Code of Conduct and Protocol).


We offer the following benefits for paid jobs.

Free tea and coffee

Free tea and coffee

Training opportunities

Training opportunities

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours



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Centre for Armenian Information & Advice Unpaid role, expenses not paid Acton, Greater London (Hybrid)
Closing 13 April 2025
Centre for Armenian Information & Advice Unpaid role, expenses paid London, Greater London (Hybrid)
Closing 31 March 2025