About us
Who we are
Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights is an international charity based in the UK which supports civilian-led monitoring of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, helps civilians to secure justice, and promotes civilian protection and military accountability. We work in a number of conflict-affected jurisdictions in the Middle East, Africa and Europe, operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments.
Our culture and values
Ceasefire’s theory of change places civilians first. We see civilians not just as the victims of war, but as agents who can assert their rights.
We know that during armed conflict existing vulnerabilities and vectors of discrimination are exacerbated. This drives our inclusive approach.
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
Equality and diversity are principles fundamental to our priorities and objectives, and we are committed to ensuring they are respected and promoted in all aspects of our work. Ceasefire recognises the value of diversity, seeing it as a major asset that is essential to the success of our work, and this is reflected in our approach to recruitment and retention.