About us
Who we are
British Association for Immediate Care (BASICS) is a national immediate medical care charity. Founded in 1977 its objects are:
- For the public benefit, the relief of persons suffering injury or illness including by, but not limited to:
- Advancing the education of individuals who provide pre-hospital immediate care including health care professionals from a wide range of professions as well as military medical personnel, associate practitioners, community first responders and first aid and voluntary rescue staff; and
- Acting as a resource body for schemes, individuals and other organisations who provide pre-hospital immediate care.
- To advance the education of the public in general (and particularly amongst health care professionals) in the subject of pre-hospital immediate care and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results of such research
The charity has over 1000 members from across the four nations of the United Kingdom.
The immediate care volunteer doctors, nurses and paramedics who respond for schemes are activtaed to over 10000 calls a year and give up thousands of volunteer hours a year to do this. All schemes provide enhanced/critical pre hospital care and are activated by NHS Ambulance Services. The charity also is a leading pre hospital care education provider teaching courses to both internal and external audiences.
The charity hosts an annuel and leading pre hospital care conference.