About us
Who we are
AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) works across the UK to improve services to prevent violence and abuse, meet the needs of survivors and their children and hold abusers accountable. Our vision is a world without violence and abuse. We deliver a range of ground-breaking and award winning services including learning and skills, consultancy and funded projects. We work to prevent all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls, and have specific expertise in multiple disadvantage and children and young people.
Key pieces of current work include establishing a National Commission on domestic and sexual abuse and multiple disadvantage, Mapping the Maze and The Care Leavers Project. We deliver expert, accredited training to over 3,500 people every year and have a number of free elearning tools.
We are a second tier organisation, usually providing services and support to other organisations and the people who work with them, rather than delivering front-line services.