About us
Who we are
We are groups of activists and volunteers. We work in solidarity with people on the move, immigrants, and refugees. We work with any person in need of information
We link refugees and migrants, our clients, to services in the country where they are. We collect the information our clients want to know and we run information campaigns. Our information operates as a platform for refugees and migrants to share, request and receive information about their rights and their options for asylum, housing, healthcare, or education.
Contact us if you need anything. Join us if you want to volunteer in solidarity with refugees and migrants.
What do we do?
Asylum Links publishes accessible and reliable information. It supports people on work, visas, asylum, housing, healthcare, and education.
We DO NOT give advice on anything. We share information and show all the possible options. And we support finding professional advice.
How do we do it?
We share official or trusted documentation. We find local services that can give support. We share with people information on their options, and rights, in a country of interest.
We do individual casework for people that contact us, our clients. We find local services that can consider their case and we make sure that they get in contact with each other. We work online and we also go out and meet people wherever they are. If our clients are not happy with what the qualified person told them, we find somebody else. We also advocate for our clients and witness their living conditions.
Where do we work?
Everywhere, people can contact us from anywhere in all the languages available with online translators.
We have worked on the ground on missions for a few months in several places in Europe and West Asia.
In Calais, from January 2016 to April 2016, We have distributed information about how to access asylum in Europe.
In Greece
In Erbil
In Istanbul
In Singapore, we collected information about migrant worker living conditions in South East Asia.
In Bangkok, we are collecting information.
We are collecting funds to restart ground missions.