About us
Who we are
Aston-Mansfield has been working in the heart of east London for over 130 years. We deliver a wide range of community development support and activities from our two community centres in the London Borough of Newham (the Froud Centre in Manor Park, and Durning Hall in Forest Gate). These centres are open twelve hours a day and seven days a week seeing almost 30,000 people come through the doors each year. Our work focuses on youth, children and the development of community groups and the voluntary sector.Our youth work focuses on vulnerable young people. Some have special education needs and disabilities; others are at risk of falling into anti-social behaviour and criminal activity. Across these projects and our summer programmes we support between 800-1000 Newham young people each year.Our work with children including a breakfast club, after-school club and holiday play schemes, provides support that allows parents to get back into work and children to access a broad range of experiences, activities and skills development that is unique within the area, and which they would not otherwise experience. We are currently working regularly with 46 families and work with around 180 children each year.Our capacity building support focuses largely on new and emerging voluntary and community sector groups, often for newly arrived communities. We provide one-to-one support to over 100 groups each year and offer low-cost/free training and skills development opportunities.