About us
Who we are
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent medical emergency relief organisation that provides assistance to people worldwide, regardless of their background, religion or political convictions. Above all, we aim to save lives and offer medical care to victims of disasters, wars and epidemics. Working together with local staff, we give direct support to the population. MSF also appeals to those in power, including governments and international organisations, and speaks out about the abuses we encounter in the course of our work.
MSF coordinates operations through collaborations between global offices. ‘Artsen zonder Grenzen Nederland' (MSF-Holland) has a partnership with offices in Germany, India and the UK. This partnership, known as MSF Operational Centre Amsterdam (MSF-OCA), operates medical humanitarian interventions in about 30 countries. MSF-OCA deploys 1,300 international staff per annum and employs 8,500 national staff. The office of MSF-Holland is located in Amsterdam and hosts 300 positions, offering direct support to MSF-OCA operations.