About us
Who we are
Action on Hearing Loss is the Royal national charity helping people confronting deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss to live the life they choose.We’ve got 100 years of experience providing care and support to deaf people with additional needs.We give invaluable advice and practical assistance to people with hearing loss, making sure that their quality of life is not limited.We develop new technology, like listening devices and real-time text systems, to make communication easier for millions of people.We fight to raise awareness of the issues and injustices faced by people who have a hearing loss.
As an Investing in Volunteering (IiV) accredited organisation we value all our wonderful volunteers, and what they bring to the organisation. In our recent volunteer satisfaction survey, 91% of our volunteers said they would recommend volunteering with us. So share your skills, experience and enthusiasm with us today, and you’ll soon discover what a difference it can make to you too and the people who we support.