The Role of the Trustee, Understanding & Strengthening Governance


Start date


End date



Working for a charity offers unique opportunities and rewards, but there can also be challenges. In particular the responsibility for good governance and compliance, which can feel overwhelming.

Public Leaders Appointments executive search consultancy works predominantly with charities, social enterprises, housing associations and the public sector, advising on and leading board and executive appointments; we are committed to ensuring that Chairs and Trustees - both new and experienced – are equipped with the tools, knowledge and confidence needed to make an effective contribution to their Board.

Your role as a Trustee

Whether you are new to being a Trustee and are wanting to learn more about the role and what you should be doing, or if you have been a Trustee for some time and want a refresh and update, then this course is for you. You will go away equipped with the tools, knowledge and confidence needed to make an effective contribution to your Board.

We will be learning about the role of being a charity Trustee, both the legal and formal governance responsibilities, and also the inter-personal aspects of working with fellow Trustees, and staff.  The training will involve teaching, as well as interaction and opportunities to share your own experience and explore case studies.

Course Information

To ensure that these online sessions are accessible to all, they will be held via Zoom on the following dates (both dates should be attended):

· Thursday 19th September 2024 – 10am – 12.30pm

· Thursday 26th September 2024  – 10am – 12.30pm

Our trainer is Pete Hawkins. Pete has worked in charities for 27 years and is a highly respected charity consultant. As well as training and facilitation, he provides services ranging from governance and organisation reviews to mergers and closures, to strategy development and coaching. His vast experience is with charities across the UK and internationally, as well as for funders; with causes ranging from ancient trees to learning disability to heritage buildings. His style is relaxed, informative and engaging.

What you will learn

Day 1

·     Trustee responsibilities, Governance and your Constitution – setting the scene and understanding how it all fits together.

·     The heavy stuff – liabilities, serious incidents, policies, risks. What you need to know and do about the questions that keep people up at night.

·     ‘The Essential Trustee’ – orientation to this crucial Charity Commission document, including deep dives on charity purpose and conflicts of interest.


Day 2

·     The role of a Trustee – how to contribute effectively and fulfil your responsibilities.

·     How the Board works – effective meetings; agendas, reports and papers; working with fellow Trustees.

·     Working with the Executive – how to deliver your responsibilities and navigate some of the governance pitfalls.