Mental Health First Aid NCFE

Mental Health, Mental Health

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End date



NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace

You can help start to make it better – 1 in 4 people will experience a Mental Health problem each year.

This course is for anyone who wants to raise their professional understanding of Mental Health First Aid and its associated care. It is ideal for any public facing role where you are interacting, advising and guiding clients. You may be working in an organisation where there is no role of Mental Health First Aider or you may be responsible for staff members or volunteers.  In all cases, this course will be beneficial training for your career and the people you work with.  You will learn how to identify, understand and support colleagues or clients who are experiencing a mental health issue.

This free course is only eligible for people living in London and being 19+.

Apply now!

What you will learn

Aims of the course

  • focus on the study of mental health first aid and mental health advocacy in the workplace
  • Increase your knowledge of Mental Health First Aid and how it can be applied at work
  • introduce and explore different types of mental ill health and factors that may increase the risk of mental ill health in individuals
  • understand how to support individuals with mental ill health within boundaries of own role
  • explore how to create a mentally healthy environment for individuals in a variety of settings

Learning objectives

Unit 1 – Exploring mental health

Unit 2 – Understand how to support individuals with mental ill health

Unit 3 – Understand a mentally healthy environment


  • Receive a nationally recognised, accredited, and professional Level 2 qualification
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge to support colleagues and clients with mental health problems
  • Implement Mental Health First Aid at work and for your clients
  • Improve your career prospects and gain a solid foundation to progress onto higher level courses in mental health